Home Generators & Staying Safe during Spring Storms

Backup home generator

As a homeowner it is important to have an emergency plan during winter and spring storms or other major weather events. Being prepared will help keep your family safe. Also, consider having a home backup generator that will give you extra peace of mind.

Have a Plan

The first step is to create a plan that is relevant to disasters common in your area. Below are some tips to use while creating your plan.  Remember, it is important to consider your unique needs:

-          Learn your community’s warning signals

-          Know your local radio station that provides information during emergencies

-          Educate yourself on your children’s school or daycare disaster plans

-          Consider medical needs and the different ages of your household

-          Know how to turn off water, gas, and switches in the main electrical panel

-          Best escape routes from your home and a meeting place should you be separated

-          Write it down, practice and review often

Once information is collected, have a family meeting to go over different types of disasters and why a plan is important. Review it until everyone is familiar and comfortable with their roles.

Build an Emergency Kit

It is also important to have a disaster kit that everyone has easy access to and will keep your family comfortable for several days. In Northeast Ohio remember we have drastic weather changes so be sure to think about both winter and summer seasons when creating your kit. Below are ideas of items to include. Remember to tailor yours to your family’s needs:

-          Water:  it is recommended to have one gallon per person per day

-          Nonperishable items such as canned goods (don’t forget about your furry friends!)

-          Basic utensils including a non-electric can opener and plates

-          Battery operated radio and flashlights - with extra batteries

-          Sturdy shoes and protective clothing

-          First aid items and extra medical supplies

Backup Generator

Having a home backup generator is another way to safeguard your family and home.  It will power key devices and can help in dangerous situations. For example, a generator can power your HVAC system to keep you warm and run sump pumps to prevent flooding. Generators can also spare you financial losses, like food spoilage in a power outage.

While you may not know when a natural disaster or storm will strike, with an emergency plan, you can rest assured that your family will be prepared.