
Optimum Climates 5 Ways to Reduce your Heating Bill

It’s November already and temperatures are starting to drop.  Here are 5 tips to reduce your heating bill. 


1)    Get regular maintenance on your HVAC / Furnace unit in the fall and spring.  Clean, maintained filters as well as an efficient machine will reduce your heating cost and could catch any unforeseen issues before they become big expenses.  Ask about our service agreements and let us do the thinking for you!

2)    Lower your Thermostat.  Seems simple, but you can save an average of 3% on your next heating bill for every degree you lower.  The optimum times to lower your temperature are when you are away for the day and right before you settle in for bed.  A programmable thermostat will do all the thinking for you, set it once and watch the savings roll in.  Ask us about a programmable thermostat!

3)    Lower the temperature of your Water Heater.  By lowering the temperature of your water heater between 115-120 degrees, you will reduce the power needed to heat the water therefore reducing your bill. On average, most people won’t notice the slight drop in temperature.

4)    Use your fans sparingly.  If you have a kitchen or bathroom exhaust fan, turn them off after each use.  Unnecessary running will increase your heating bill.

5)    Add Solar Heat.  Any southern facing windows?  Open the curtains during the day to take advantage of the solar radiation to add a few degrees to your home.  Soaking up every ray of sunshine during the long Ohio winter months will give everyone in your home a boost, but don’t forget to close the curtains at night to keep the heat in.